The following is a message that I just sent to the maintainer of mulinux
( about my port on PC110.
I think it is also interesting for PC110 users...
Marc Vertes
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Message-ID: <36599BF2.421E816F nospam at>
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 04:31:30 +1100
From: Marc Vertes <mvertes nospam at>
Organization: xlab
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.30 i586)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: andreoli nospam at
Subject: mulinux on IBM PC110 (flash disk)
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Dear Michele,
First, thanks and congratulations for your marvellous little Linux
distribution. After having played with it a few days, I'm still amazed
to see the number of tasks it can do, using so little space.
I looked around at the different scripts, and I must say that I learned
lot. Your work smells like the unix spirit that I like: small, simple,
but efficient, flexible and extensible.
I adapted mulinux to run on the IBM PC110 (the smallest intel PC, look
at for information), and to start
the 4 Meg internal flash disk instead of the floppy, in order to have
smallest (in all senses) linux diskless complete workstation!
I finally succeeded to install a complete mulinux (usr + X11) on the
disk and make it boot properly (I had to modify the ramdisk driver in
kernel to allow a ramdisk boot from a non-floppy device). I modified
scripts to add support for the PC110 without breaking the other options
also added the correct keyboard mapping and X correct monitor settings.
As there was aproximately 575k of free space, I began also to add
mainly in the X11 section:
- chimera-2.0a15, a graphical web browser (212k)
- xcalendar, a calendar and note program (24k)
- rxvt, xterm replacement.
Are you interested to integrate my work into your distribution, at least
in the contrib section? (I will also submit officially the ramdisk patch
to the kernel maintainers)
Anyway, I will submit you my modifications very soon (needs some
so you can decide.
Marc Vertes