Re: [pc110] Linux Install: PC110, 171 Mb Maxtor PCMCIA
Alan Cox (alan nospam at
Tue, 28 Apr 1998 10:29:14 +0000 (GMT)
> I plan to store my "data" in the (bootable) Dos partition, until I get
> more used to Linux. 40 Mb usually does it so I can install 32 or more
> Mb of packages (can clear things off for the install, obviously!) into
> the c: partition & then install to the /dev/hda3 partition (can also use
> the swap space for extra packages & then re-fdisk it at the last
> second.)
That will be quite tight.
> Anyone have a better idea? I've started the process, used PQMagicT to
> move HD data around, and so on... Don't know if I want to try X on the
> PC110, good utils set will probably do me...
X works well once you get a suitable patched Xserver.